120 South Mechanic Street | Carthage, New York 13619 | Phone: (315) 493-1060 | Fax: (315) 493-7201

Village Information
All vital statistic requests(birth and death) will be handled by the Village of West Carthage clerks office.
Please contact Tiffany Queary by-
Calling 315-493-2552 ext 1 or
Mail- Village of West Carthage 61 High St Carthage, NY 13619
More information about the Village of Carthage...
RECREATION: In the main Village park residents can enjoy a newly renovated recreation building, Riders Edge Skateboarders Park, multiple walking trails, baseball fields, summer recreation programs and Kid’s World; a large wooden playground. Beside the main park there is Turning Point Park and Long Falls Park/Guyot’s Island that overlooks the scenic Black River.
PUBLIC SERVICES: Water and sewer services are provided by the Village. Electricity is provided by National Grid; telephone service is provided by Verizon, WestelCom and Time Warner; several wireless communication choices are available and high speed Internet service is also available in the Village. Police protection is provided by the Village of Carthage Police Department and if needed the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department and New York State Police. Fire protection and ambulance services are provided by the Carthage Volunteer Fire Department and the Carthage Area Rescue Squad.
TRANSPORTATION: Bus service is available through the Wilna-Champion Transportation Association Inc. senior shuttle bus. Bus service is also available in the City of Watertown. Air transportation is available at the Watertown and Syracuse airports.
EDUCATION: The Carthage Central School District provided public education for grades K-12 and the Augustine Academy provides a parochial education for grades k-8. Opportunities for higher education are provided by Jefferson Community College and the many colleges and universities in and around the northern and central New York area.
In accordance with Federal Law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, the Village of Carthage is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, sex, and familial status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs).
To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or Call (800)795-3272 (Voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).
Minutes & Agenda
You may also want to visit these sites:
Carthage Area Chamber of Commerce
Carthage Area Hospital
Carthage Central School
Carthage Industrial Development Corp.
Village of West Carthage